WOW God – She Seeks, She Reads, She Speaks and she heard.

Turns out winning a Cecil Murphy scholarship will not be the only WOW God story for this neophyte Christian!  Attending the Proverbs 31 Ministry conference changed my life even before I left Baton Rouge, LA.  It all started with the email I received from my conference roommate the day before I was to leave.  Imagine my delight to discover that this transplanted Canadian living 3000 miles from home would be sharing a room with a transplanted Aussie living in my home town of Calgary, Alberta.  I had read that the ladies at proverbs 31 ministry were going to pray over the roommate assignments, which is the only explanation how they matched us without knowing my Calgary roots.  Never in my dreams, did I expect God to introduced me to the only other Calgarian at the conference through our room assignment.  My anxiety about having a roommate quickly melted like a Louisiana snowfall, I look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks not only how our friendship bloomed but also my other WOW God moments at a women’s conference known simply as She Speaks!

Living with Passion, Melody

About Lyme Lives EveryWhere

Angola Inmate Hospice volunteers taught me to trust God and the power of forgiveness. I have always been fascinated by how people 'discover' their gifts/callings. As a coping mechanism for a complicated home life; I liked to run outdoors regardless the weather. After University my running was curtailed due to mystery ailments that would flare up on-and-off for decades. Intuitively, I have been soaking in epsom salt baths ever since I became a runner. Perhaps that is what kept my immune system functioning for so long. In 2005, my mystery ailments returned. After a decade of suffering and symptom flare ups, I was told by health care practitioners to learn to live with what was ailing me. In 2013, my immune system shut down and resulted in a health crisis; ultimately saving my life. Tired of being sick and tired, by divine intervention I found an amazing advocate in Dr. Amanda Lea; an osteopathic physician in Zachary Louisiana. Two days before I found her, a friend put me on her church prayer list as I searched for answers. Dr. Lea was setting up a new practice and worked me in the day after the prayer chain started. She listened to my health history uninterrupted for 45 minutes. After my diagnosis, I went to see a Lyme experienced MD, the head of infectious disease at a large hospital in New Orleans. She opened the office door, walked in and proclaimed that "Lyme disease does not exist in Louisiana". That day my passion for Lyme awareness, education and advocacy was revealed to me.
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2 Responses to WOW God – She Seeks, She Reads, She Speaks and she heard.

  1. Love your easy flow of writing and expressed creativity through this beautiful blog. Thanks for the invite.
    Love & blessings from the “transplanted Aussie” ♥

    • Southernsnow says:

      Thank you for your kind words Helen, so blessed to have you a part of my life! So excited to see how our stories unfold. Peace and purpose my friend – Melody

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